Education System for Slum Children
There are several children who face challenges regarding their primary education and for them reaching 100% literacy count is a difficult task. This is the reason that government schools have been opened in all the villages within every state and children are encouraged to attend the school. Various advertisements and encouragement programs are run on television and radios so that people become familiar about the fundamental rights provided by the government. As per Right of Education Act, every child between the age of six to fourteen has the fundamental right to education, which is now made compulsory by the government.
These days, there are several NGOs’ and other organizations that are supporting the education of slum children. Various campuses have also come together to contribute towards providing quality education for slum children. Every bit of contribution can help to enrich the experience of the slum children regarding learning and gaining knowledge. Many underprivileged families do not recognize the importance of education and so they keep their children away from schools. In order to encourage all such people, free education and mid day meals are being provided at government schools which not only facilitate children, but also help them in making a bright future.
Quality Education for Slum Children
For providing quality education for slum children, various influential steps have been put forward by the government of India. Various research studies are being done so as to get a clear idea about the ratio of how many children attend the school regularly and how many teachers are more focused towards providing education to the slum children. To provide quality education for slum children, these days every child is looked after properly so that he can become more competent. Previously, most of the subjects were taught in the regional languages, but now English is also made compulsory within the course.
Quality education for slum children is actually providing an opportunity to all those who are below literacy rate so that they can come up and get a breakthrough. Various government websites have been uploaded on the web which provide complete acquaintance about providing quality education for slum children, thereby making the process easier. So, feel free to surf such websites and start contributing for quality education for slum children so as to add something towards a better India.
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